Work With Me

Why You Need an Editor

Writing is a solitary activity, and editing is a collaborative effort. Artful editing, I believe, at its most fundamental is a meeting of ideas, values, aspirations. When a writer finds their editor, they know it. The work accomplished together—editing is elevated to higher planes—the psychological, spiritual, communionable. 

In my journey as a writer, I’ve been lucky to work with a handful of such editors, the first being my undergraduate creative writing professor. He had a light touch—my stories were often returned unmarked with only one or two comments on the last page. His words, questions, provocations, or encouragement, gave me just enough motivation. After I finished my first novel, I met my second editor. Unlike my professor, this editor scrutinized my manuscript, word by word, sound by sound, leaving no stone unturned. It was exactly what I needed at this point in my journey. Had I met this editor too soon, perhaps I would have given up. The right editor for each writer has a way of popping up serendipitously. 

Welcome. However you’ve stumbled upon this page, I’m so glad you’re here.

  • If writing is a manifestation of the ego, then editing is the ego’s death. Transformation is painful. It is not work that I take lightly. My approach as an editor is first and foremost compassionate. In order to be a good editor, I must know both my strengths and limits. I’m an editor as I am a reader—I tend to focus on emotions over events, characters over plot, internal landscape over external. I enjoy experimentation with language, structure, but not at the cost of storytelling. I have a weakness for the surreal and slightly fantastical.

  • Send me your short story, novella, novel, manifesto, personal essay, imagined eulogy for your frenemy. My main focus is fiction with a literary bent. I’m available for a one-off project or extended development. For longer projects, I ask that you commit to at least six months as I’ve found that a prolonged dialogue is more fruitful for the world of the novel. I’m here to nurture your creative growth on the page and beyond.

    If you just want to stretch your creative muscles, but don’t yet have something complete, you’re in the right place. It can be daunting to write again after a long time away. A three-month mentorship packet could help you jumpstart your project.

    I hope you’ll come away from our collaboration excited to create, make art, with words, paint, images, food, music, and put something in the world that’s never been there before.

  • Your query letter is your book’s first impression to agents. It is one of the most important pieces of writing in your publishing journey. Agents use parts of query letters to pitch editors and editors might tweak and reuse the same material for marketing purposes. The words you write on your query letter could end up on your book jacket. I will work with you to develop a compelling query letter, synopsis, and other submission materials to maximize your chances of success. I’ll help you demystify the publishing maze that can be draining and confusing. I’m grateful to be trusted with your work, though I’m unable to provide blurbs for clients.

  • If you’re unsure or have something that doesn’t fit into any category, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Or perhaps your work doesn’t fall into my area of “expertise”, but you’re still quite sure that I’m the right editor for you, let’s chat.